Why I Am Outwalking: Some Thoughts on Purpose
Friday, January 06, 2006
Welcome to OutWalking, a likely over-ambitious source of reflection on the true, the good, and the beautiful in the world. Here you can read posts on books, music, art, and life in general, from the standpoint of one who believes in the true "myth" as told in biblical account of creation, fall, redemption and restoration. You can also check out the regularly updated sidebar content.
Presumably, the title to a new blog should reflect something of its author, and so it does. I liked the phrase "Out Walking" both for its literal meaning (I am a daily walker) and its metaphorical meanings. To walk is to have some destination and, without sounding too cliche, I believe life is full of purpose, meaning, and ultimately, destination. Indeed, as a Christian, I like to keep Home in my sights, both the one I came from and the one for which I am destined. In walking, I also reflect, and pray, and sometimes (when I return), I write, and so you'll find my ruminations, reviews, poems, and essays in the sidebar here. I find it helpful. Perhaps you'll find these reflections helpful as well. Finally, I should say the title is not original but comes from writer John Leax's wonderful book of poetry and essay of the same name. Walk among his words sometime.
At bottom, this blog then is an extended meditation on God's common grace to the world. I walk in the world looking for what is true, good, and beautiful -- whatever the source. In fact, my eyes are wide open to it. Along the way I'll see the false, the bad, and the ugly. Discernment will be called for, but I'd rather walk in this way than be clositered away in a ghetto of supposed safety. This is my task: to walk wisely in the book of this world guided by Scripture, with eyes fixed on the Author and Perfecter of my faith and, in fact, of this world. Home is in my sights, a recreated world full of only the true, the good, and the beautiful. [The author of Outwalking is Steve West. Steve is a published poet and essayist, former editor of ProCreation: A Journal of Truthtelling in Poetry and Prose, founder and President of Silent Planet Records and The Pop Collective (a power-pop record label), and a principal in Stone Table Media, which develops audio biographies and incidental radio shows (including, most lately, one on Ruth Bell Graham). To pay the bills, he practices law.]